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At Ignite, we’re focused on one goal: to change what you, and society, think about cannabis. We’re mavericks; we respect the way it has been done for years, but know we can deliver a superior product. No matter what you need or where you live, we’ll deliver world-class strains and superior CBD products that exceed all expectations. With so many unknowns, falsehoods, and just straight-up erroneous information out there, we strive to be the catalyst of cannabis change. We’re looking for the next peak to climb, because frankly, there’s no prize for 2nd place. We hold true to the promise that Dan has made… it is, and will always be, the best or nothing.

Things to Consider When Buying CBD Oil

These days it seems like you can buy CBD products practically everywhere. From online stores to traditional drug store chains now entering the mix, with so many options available, it’s easy to either fall into the trap of thinking all CBD is alike or feel overwhelmed trying to find the best CBD product.


When it comes to purchasing any CBD product, whether it’s CBD vape oil or CBD drops, there are a few things to pay attention to so you don't get ripped off or more than you bargained for. Wherever you’re buying your CBD, these are a few of the important things that separate a great CBD oil from all of the rest.

Make Sure It’s Third-Party Tested

Perhaps the most important thing to look for when shopping for premium CBD oil is their testing certifications. CBD products in the industry, similar to fitness supplements and e-cigarettes, aren’t regulated by the FDA, so it's up to manufacturers to test their products through a third party. As you can probably guess, this testing process is expensive, and while third-party testing should be the gold standard in this industry, it isn't, at least not yet.

Rest assured that third-party testing isn’t so costly that most companies forgo it altogether. Instead, the best CBD providers dedicated to quality will clearly state that their products are tested by third parties with certifications to back up their claims.

Check the THC Label

Although CBD and THC are two different things, if you choose to go the cheapest route, you might end up with more than what you were after. Extracting CBD from hemp is a tricky process, and if companies do it the right way, it can cost more. That extra effort is worth it in the end, however, as you'll get a superior product that maximizes the benefits of CBD.

If companies cut corners in this process, there might be a touch of THC, and when you’re taking CBD oil for anxiety, the last thing you want is an unexpected buzz. You should buy CBD made with CBD isolate, which means it’s 100% CBD and 0% THC. This way you’ll ensure that your CBD drops provide only the benefits you’re looking for rather than a negative high.

Read the Ingredient Label

In products like CBD drops, there’s more to it than just raw CBD oil. Because of this, you want to make sure that the ingredients in the CBD oil are up to par and not a bunch of fillers. One of the primary ingredients that you’ll find in a CBD drop is the carrier oil used to deliver the CBD to your body.

A carrier oil like MCT or fractionated coconut oil is one of the best because it is made up of 90% saturated fat, which helps increase the bio availability of the CBD, meaning your body can absorb it more effectively. Beyond the oil in the drops, you shouldn’t see much else unless they are flavored, in which case you might see a natural sweetener like stevia included. Most sellers will offer flavored CBD drops for sublingual (under the tongue) use along with unflavored versions, which are excellent for cooking purposes.

About Ignite

Ignite stands above other CBD providers with their unapologetic commitment to transparency and superior products. The company was founded by entrepreneur and unofficial “king of Instagram” Dan Bilzerian as his platform for changing the way the world views CBD through CBD products that provide real results and top-notch relief. However you choose to take your CBD, Ignite offers a product for you. On their online store, you can find CBD vape pen options, CBD drops, and even CBD infused tooth picks all tested for quality with certifications to back it up. If you’re looking for a trusted CBD provider you can shop with time and time again with consistent quality and experience, choose Ignite.

Learn more about Ignite’s premium line of CBD products at Ignitecbd.co

Original Source: https://bit.ly/2Wgr0NK

Misconceptions About CBD That Aren’t True

CBD is becoming more popular and widely available over the last few years, and with federal legislation giving it the OK in most of the nation, it’s clear that it’s here to stay. The thing is, because it comes from hemp and is still a little misunderstood in the mainstream, as you read up on CBD online, you’re bound to read some fake news about it.

Let’s set the record straight so you can make a more informed first-time purchase, or, if you’re already a CBD user, understand a little bit more about the cannabinoid that’s sweeping the nation.

CBD Is Like THC Without the High

Many people assume that CBD is basically cannabis with the THC removed. While some CBD is derived from cannabis, you’ll find that the reputable sellers derive their CBD oil from hemp, which has basically 0% THC.

CBD and THC are completely different compounds. Although found in the same plant, they're more like neighbors on the block rather than separate rooms in the same house. Each provides different effects with CBD being more therapeutic.

The Higher the Dose the Better

As with most things in life, sometimes more isn't always better, and this couldn't be truer for CBD. When you're shopping for different CBD products online, you might find yourself looking for the ones with the highest concentration of CBD so you can get most “bang for your buck”—but this isn’t always the best option.

When it comes to taking CBD, there is a "sweet spot" where you'll get the most benefits. Take too little, and you might not get the relief you're after, but take too much, and you can dull the effects. If you're in the market for your first CBD vape and have never tried CBD before, start small and go from there.

You’ll Fail a Drug Test

While this misconception isn't quite as prevalent with the expansion of the CBD market, it remains in the minds of many first-time CBD users. Although found in the same plant as THC, most drug tests are screening for THC exclusively, not CBD. And when you buy from a trusted CBD supplier that derives their oil from hemp, the likelihood of THC being present is almost 0%.

Even so, make sure that your supplier clearly states that their products meet Federal and State legal definitions of hemp and hemp products along with clearly identifying the product has 0% THC.

It Doesn’t Matter Where You Buy Your CBD

CBD is CBD, right? Nope. There are a variety of differences from one CBD product to the next from how it was derived to the type of CBD (full-spectrum vs. isolate) to the company offering it. The CBD industry is still a relatively new industry and not recognized by the FDA, which means that there are plenty of phonies out there selling inferior products without any agency to hold them accountable.

To avoid the fakes and ensure that you’re only purchasing the best-quality CBD, you need to do a little bit of research. Learn more about the company offering the CBD oil vape and read reviews to see what others are saying about the product. Finally, make sure that the company you buy from thoroughly tests their products, with certification to back them up.

About Ignite

Ignite stands above other CBD providers with their unapologetic commitment to transparency and superior products. The company was founded by entrepreneur and unofficial “king of Instagram” Dan Bilzerian as his platform for changing the way the world views CBD through CBD products that provide real results and top-notch relief. However you choose to take your CBD, Ignite offers a product for you. On their online store, you can find CBD vape pens, CBD drops, and even CBD infused toothpicks all tested for quality with certifications to back it up. If you’re looking for a trusted CBD provider you can shop with time and time again with consistent quality and experience, choose Ignite.

Learn more about Ignite’s premium line of CBD products at Ignitecbd.co

Original Source: https://bit.ly/2VBSujM

Don’t Get Burned: Tips for Buying CBD Products Online

With the explosion of the CBD industry recently, there are now more options than ever before to buy CBD products online. Just as with any item, you want to make sure that you're buying a quality product, but if you don't have much experience in the CBD world, it can be confusing.

Here are a few tips and things to look for when shopping for CBD products online, so you get exactly what you want.

Look at the Dosage

The strength of a CBD product is determined by the milligrams of CBD in the entire bottle, vape pod, or toothpick, as well as the amount in the individual serving. If you’ve never tried CBD before, it can be confusing to determine what is the right dosage for you.

Look online and read about the various dosages to determine which is best for your needs and experience level, and then check the product description. You don't want to puff more than you intended or get a lower dose than you expected, so pay attention to the CBD strength to ensure you get a CBD product that’s right for you.

Read the Ingredient Label

Just like when you’re shopping at the grocery store, you should always look to see what’s in the products you’re purchasing. Especially when it comes to CBD products, you should know what you’re inhaling or ingesting. Many companies online will get away with selling an inferior CBD product by stuffing in fillers or chemicals, but when it comes to CBD, you should accept nothing but the best.

Check the product page and make sure that it is made with all-natural, hemp-derived CBD oil and that the other ingredients are kept to a minimum. It’s typical that in products like drops, there will be fractionated coconut oil, essential oils, or natural sweeteners to help with the taste, but there shouldn’t be much else.

Check Their Reputation

While in some cases the products can speak for themselves, you want to ensure that you’re buying from a company that has a rock-solid reputation. Learn more about the company that you’re purchasing from by reading their “about” page and learning more about their story.

To earn your business, the brand should commit to providing quality products and going above and beyond to have their CBD tested by a third-party to ensure its purity. If the website looks sketchy, look elsewhere—there are tons of reputable suppliers out there.

What Are Users Saying?

As the social animals we are, we tend to trust the opinions of people (even strangers on the internet) for everything from the best car wash to best disposable vape pen. So, read reviews for the products and see what people are saying before you make the purchase.

Seek out answers to questions like: What experience did they have with the product? Did they notice any side effects? What about shipping speeds? These, along with other factors, are important things to look into when you’re considering a CBD product.

Consider Where You Live

As a final point, it’s worth mentioning that although CBD is federally legal and generally regarded as a safe alternative to other drugs or medications—and has provided numerous positive benefits to people around the world for centuries—some states still aren’t cool with it.

Although it’s possible to buy CBD products online and have them shipped nearly anywhere, check with local laws to ensure you’re comfortable purchasing and using CBD. Most sites will also have disclaimers when they’re unable to ship CBD products internationally or to certain states such as Idaho, Nebraska, Ohio, or South Dakota.

Buying your first CBD products or switching to a new provider can be a research-intensive process, but it’s a necessary one. Do your homework and make sure you’re spending your money on a quality product. The good news: Once you’ve found a reputable brand or product, restocking is super-easy the second time around.

About Ignite

In an increasingly crowded marketplace, Ignite is the brand that people turn to time and time again as their trusted supplier of CBD products. Founded by entrepreneur Dan Bilzerian, Ignite is on a mission to change the way the world views CBD and other derivatives through superior products featuring high-quality ingredients from trusted sources. Each member of the Ignite team is dedicated to its mission of being a step above the rest. The company partners with the most experienced growers, cultivators, and manufacturers for a product that is safe, reliable, and second to none.

Shop Ignite’s entire line of premium CBD products at Ignitecbd.co

Original Source: https://bit.ly/2X5nFRs

Why Is Everyone So Hyped on CBD? Some Reasons to Consider It

If you've spent any time online in the last couple of years, you've likely seen people hyping up CBD. Some people tout it as the magic cure-all for any and everything—but you're likely a little bit skeptical.



So, what's the deal with CBD and why are people so excited about it? Here are a few reasons why people are loving it—and if one of these rings true to you, maybe that could be reason enough to try it for yourself.


After a long day at work or running errands, you might find yourself wanting to crack open a cold one to relax. But the thing is, alcohol isn’t the healthiest option, and if you’re trying to get into summer shape, the calories can really add up and hurt your macros. So why not try something new?

CBD vape oil is a zero-carb, zero-calorie option that more and more people are choosing to end their hectic day with. The process of vaping itself can be quite relaxing, and whether you need a new way to unwind after a long day or want to center yourself before a big day, CBD might be your new go-to.


Whether you struggle with chronic pain or just general soreness from the gym, many people, from MMA fighters to power lifters or regular dudes trying to look good for the summer, are choosing CBD as a way to help alleviate aches and general soreness. Some studies even suggest that CBD may help reduce inflammation in many cases, which can help with soreness or reduce chronic pain.

You can use CBD in either its vaporized form or as a topical application to spot target certain areas for potential relief. If you find yourself reaching for ibuprofen every morning and night, then CBD might be a better alternative for you.

Out Like a Light

Getting to sleep and staying asleep is something that many of us take for granted. Everyone is different, and while some people can lay in bed, listen to 10 minutes of a podcast, and be out like a light, others toss and turn and struggle to shut down their brain.

Whether you struggle with insomnia or you just can’t shut your thoughts down when it’s time to turn in for the night, many people report that hitting their CBD vape pen is all they need to relax and fall asleep. While it might not be the ultimate cure for chronic or intense insomnia, a study that included participants with sleep disorders suggests that it may help improve sleep.


Anxiety and stress are chronic problems that tons of people face even if they don’t show it. From diagnosed anxiety to overachievers who juggle multiple things at once all day every day, finding a way to calm down and take a deep breath can be a challenge.

Many people choose to use CBD oil for anxiety and claim to have success with it. Though a high-quality CBD drop could certainly be ingested, vaping CBD oil can also be a great choice as even just the process of puffing, inhaling, and exhaling can help you calm down as it forces you to take a moment to pause and take a deep breath.

About Ignite

In an increasingly crowded marketplace, Ignite is the brand that people turn to time and time again as their trusted supplier of CBD products. Founded by entrepreneur Dan Bilzerian, Ignite is on a mission to change the way the world views CBD and other derivatives through superior products featuring high-quality ingredients from trusted sources. Each member of the Ignite team is dedicated to its mission of being a step above the rest. The company partners with the most experienced growers, cultivators, and manufacturers for a product that is safe, reliable, and second to none.

Shop Ignite’s entire line of premium CBD products at Ignitecbd.co

Original Source: https://bit.ly/2KoQC9C

What’s the Best Way to Take CBD? A Look at the Popular Methods

CBD has become incredibly popular among people from all walks of life for a variety of reasons. Some claim that it provides pain relief, others say it helps with their anxiety, while many just enjoy it recreationally as a way to center themselves and relax. Just as there are many reasons to take CBD, there are also many different ways to experience it.

If you’ve been thinking about giving CBD a try but aren’t sure which of the many methods is right for you, here’s a breakdown of the most popular ones so you can decide which is best for your situation and needs.

One Puff at a Time

One of the most popular ways to take CBD is via a CBD vape pen. You can get these pens in either disposable or refillable and rechargeable versions, but they all work essentially the same way. Just like an ecig, a coil heats up the oil, which is then vaporized and inhaled. Vaping is the fast lane to get the CBD in your bloodstream, and you'll feel the effects quite quick.

Many users prefer vaping for a couple of reasons. For one, it provides a convenient and practical way for consumption. Smokers and ex-smokers will be familiar with the puff, inhale, exhale routine, and it feels natural. Also, this method offers the fastest onset of the positive effects of CBD.

CBD by the Drop

Some people prefer to capture the experience and benefits of CBD oil vape without the need for a vape pen or having to blow any clouds to get it. In this case, CBD drops (also referred to as tinctures) can be a great option. To use it, all you need to do is place a few drops under your tongue to ingest it, and it will get to work.

This method typically takes anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to activate, but the effects of the CBD can last for up to 8-12 hours. Depending on what you plan to take CBD for, such as if you have chronic aches and pains, then the all-day duration might be the best choice for you. Also, some people enjoy using unflavored CBD drops while cooking so they can get CBD in their post-workout meal or in their morning shake to start the day.

Through the Skin

Finally, CBD can also be used as a topical solution, whether in creams or by simply using CBD drops right on the surface of the skin. If you’d like to target CBD’s effects to a specific area like your elbow or knee, then applying a few drops directly might be the best option for you.

Keep in mind that through topical application, it typically takes 20 to 40 minutes for the onset of effects, which tend to last around two to four hours. Many users find that topical application is the best choice for them when they want to direct the potency of CBD to a specific area and alleviate discomfort.

About Ignite

In an increasingly crowded marketplace, Ignite is the brand that people turn to time and time again as their trusted supplier of CBD products. Founded by entrepreneur Dan Bilzerian, Ignite is on a mission to change the way the world views CBD and other derivatives through superior products featuring high-quality ingredients from trusted sources. Each member of the Ignite team is dedicated to its mission of being a step above the rest. The company partners with the most experienced growers, cultivators, and manufacturers for a product that is safe, reliable, and second to none.

Shop Ignite’s entire line of premium CBD products at Ignitecbd.co

Original Source: https://bit.ly/2VBsthl